Two Reasons You May Not Be Hearing From God

If you turn, you will hearTwo of my kids have been going through the arduous process of selling a house that needs some major repairs and buying a new one. There were several disappointments and dead-ends but today it looks like it is all going to turn out better than they ever expected.

In discussing – via text – the journey of trusting God through the process, Charis wrote, “I trusted him. I just didn’t trust my own decisions because He didn’t say ANYTHING!”

As I shared with her why that probably was, I thought, “I’ll bet there are others who could benefit from this, too” as I’m sure many of you, like me, have faced God’s silence in the midst of times when you desperately wanted direction.

Isaiah 30:21 says, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

You might be on the right path

As long as we are going straight, staying on the path, we don’t need to hear from the Lord. But, He promises, if we start to turn left or right, if we start to stray off the path, He will clearly let us know. Wow! I love that (kind of)!

Why “kind of”? Because that means the longer I walk with Lord, the more I am conformed to His image and adopt His nature, the less frequently I will hear His voice. As our minds are renewed and we begin to think and respond more like Him the less He needs to direct us back onto the path.

It’s like parenting our kids. When they are young we are constantly guiding them. “Pick up your things. Move your glass away from the edge of the table. Look both ways before you cross the street. Wash your hands before you eat.” On and on the instructions go. I have to tell them every little detail because they are learning. As they mature they need less and less direction.

God treats us the same way. As we are more conformed to His image, as our new nature replaces the old nature, it is (or should be) natural for us to choose the right path. We don’t constantly need that corrective or directive voice. We are led more by the spirit and the principles of His Word. But, if we begin to stray He assures us He will let us know.

That’s why I “kind of” like that. I am still insecure enough that I would love a daily hardcopy heavenly print out of what God wants me to do. But He is saying, “Grow up. Take the next step in trusting me – trusting me to guide you even when you may not know I am guiding you.” So one reason you may not be hearing clearly from God is that you are on the right path – not turning to the left or right – so keep going. His silence is a way of saying you are doing OK.

Or, this could be the reason for the silence

Of course, there is another reason parents stop giving instructions to their kids. When it’s obvious your kids are going to do it their way, not listen to your instructions or take your counsel, most parents stop wasting their time. They can do nothing but let them go their way and suffer the consequences of their behavior.

So, if the Lord is silent you might ask,

  • Did I obey the last time He told me to do something?
  • Did I obey fully?
  • Or, have I rejected His Word and principles and decided to do it my way?”

If you have chosen to leave the path, ignore His voice and go your own way, don’t be surprised if the road is filled with thorns, thistles and pain. What were you thinking?! Turn around (aka: repent) and get back on the path!
Psalm 86:11
Teach me, Lord, your way that I may walk in your truth, single-hearted and revering your name.
Psalm 119:14-16
I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.