Some things don’t change.

Sunday, as folks were connecting with God during the worship service, someone cut loose shouting a first person word from God – “Worship Me! Worship Me! I love you! Worship Me!”

Though the Summit Church believes all the gifts of the Spirit are still in operation today and such startling expressions used to be the norm, there was an immediate mood change from a God-focused time of worship to a man-focused time of wonder – some wondering why this fellow was shouting we should worship him.

I am amused at the way different generations experience God.  Ecstatic outbursts were expected when I was a young man but today they can spark confusion even in Charismatic churches. Because He looks at our heart I don’t think the Lord cares if we change the definition of proper worship behavior but when we change the definition of proper life behavior we drift toward disaster. Continue reading

Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

John 16:7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

While it is great to have the Holy Spirit in my life my natural inclination is to disagree with Jesus’ statement here, that it is better for Him to go so the Holy Spirit can come. After all, if Jesus was walking with me, I could see him, touch Him, talk with Him and clearly hear His response (even though his disciples often had no idea what His answers meant, at least they knew they were hearing Him clearly). So why is it better for us that Jesus is now with the Father and the Holy Spirit is with us?

I see at least two reasons. Continue reading