Even God failed


Even God failed.“Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”
Mark 5:35
Can you relate to what this father must have felt when told his daughter was dead? He was so close. In his search he had managed to find Jesus. He had convinced Him to come and rescue her. Hope and help was on its way but Jesus stopped to talk with someone – someone who had cut in line, didn’t wait her turn, had no business pushing in like that – and now his daughter was gone forever.

The woman who caused the fatal delay had been sick twelve years. Couldn’t she have waited one more day, one more hour? Didn’t Jesus realize how serious this was? Couldn’t He have come back to meet this woman? But none of that mattered now. All hope was gone. Nothing more could be done. Even God had failed him.

I’ve been there, perhaps you have, too. I trusted God, counting on His promises. Everything was looking good. I was going to see a miracle! Then, like a storm cloud that passes overhead but leaves no rain behind to satisfy the parched ground, the hope passes you by leaving nothing but shattered faith – and questions.Like Jairus, I had asked God for a miracle and when it did not happen, all hope was lost. Unfortunately, at this point many abandon their faith, turn and walk away. If only, like Jairus, they would have been patient, stayed near the Lord and waited, they, like I discovered, would have seen God had bigger plans. He did not simply heal. He had resurrection plans in store for them. Hang in there. Cling to Jesus. It is not over until God says it is over.
Hebrews 6:12
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Hebrews 10:35, 36
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.


5 thoughts on “Even God failed

  1. It’s odd: we approach our supernatural God asking him for supernatural intervention and then sit back and expect results according to our natural timetable and perspective.

  2. Hi, i like your blog posts, keep up the good work. c: But, I couldn’t help but notice the title, that God failed. I would like to disagree with you on this one. I think He simply succeed in a way that was tonnes better, not failed. Please don’t take offence.

    • Thanks. I agree totally. God never fails but from our earthly perspective it sure can look like He does. That is why it is so important to hang in there, keep trusting, even when it looks like all hope is gone. All hope can never be gone because it is one of the three things that endures forever – faith, HOPE and love. Thanks for your comment.

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