They are only beautiful because they are dead!

Nature explodes this time of year into awe-inspiring colors and hues. It’s like God is showing off his color palette. But it occurred to me that those colors are only possible because the leaves are dying. Their splendor is a product of their death.

All Summer the leaves were thriving, collecting sunlight and rain, doing their part to keep the tree alive and healthy. But now, at the end of their season, they have no more to give. Yet, when their energy is expended, when they are no longer able to be productive, they become their most attractive and glorious.

We’ve been fooled
Society has fooled some of us into believing our worth comes from what we do, what we produce. But the leaves tell us true beauty comes from a life well-lived and often is not fully manifest until the latter days of our existence.

Youth tends to value energy, drive and accomplishments. As we mature, we discover the richest treasures in life are not outwards accomplishments, but inner traits like kindness, compassion, humility. Such a person brings joy, hope, encouragement and is a gift to all those around them.

I want to be a gift and, my guess is, you do too. The leaves show us that our beauty shines brightest when we are dead – dead to selfishness, dead to sin, dead to seeking our own way at the cost of others. But, alive and radiating compassion, peace, concern for others – a divinely glorious and splendid beauty created by God.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus … he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, … he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a (tree)!                                                                                         – Philippians 4:5-8

4 thoughts on “They are only beautiful because they are dead!

    • Hi Pastor Luz – Thanks for taking a moment to respond. I pray all is well with you life, family and ministry.
      pagpalain ka nawa ng panginoon

  1. Rick –
    It meant a lot to us that you, Jenna, and Charis came to Stephanie’s service and that you were the same warm and wise man we have always loved. She was uniquely affectionate with all who knew her and cared to share their own stories in their contact with her and her family. Through that she survived and grew into a fine young woman, despite the challenges that confronted her and led her to rely on Steve for the love and encouragement she needed. Thanks for sharing her final encore…

    Perhaps I will see you the next time I am in Kerrville. You and yours must like it there as much as I do.

    Brian Watson

    • Thanks for your kind words. We were honored to be invited to participate in the celebration of the life of a wonderful young woman. As I said there, “So few years but so much life and so many lives impacted.” We would love to see you if you get up our way. Let us know. Blessing to you today and always.

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